Sunday, December 26, 2010

Illuminist Hidden Meaning in MDCCLXXVI



MDC = 1600 MDCCLXXVI thus contains:

CLX = 160 3 --- 1's 3 --- 6's

XVI = 16 3 --- 0's or 10's 3 --- 7's

And, of course, 3 x 7 = 21 a very magic number. The year, 1776, when added, totals 21 also, making 1776 a very powerful magical year. But, when you divide 21 by three, you get three groups of 7, i.e., 7 + 7 + 7.


# 1 = Beginning

# 6 = Man

# 7 = God

# 8 = The New Beginning

# 10 or 0 = Testimony

# 21 = Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin



As we have previously studied, occultists worship the power they believe is contained within numbers. They further believe extra power can be obtained by the practice of Gematria. The New Age Dictionary defines Gematria as "the art of interpreting the names and attributes of God by letter and number. A=1; B=2, etc." In the instance below, certain powerful numbers are deliberately created to contain the New World Order message that the Illuminati wanted to secretly convey to Initiates in every age. Watch carefully as we decode the numbers of the date MDCCLXXVI and enlighten you as to the intended occult meaning. It is the core attribute of the New World Order.

The Gematria hidden within these numbers contain a very shocking message; yet, it is the core message of the entire New World Order Plan. The literal meaning of the message is presented below, followed by the more understandable translation.

Since we have triplicities of three (3) Beginnings, of Man, of God, of testimonies, followed by the magic number of 21 (3 x 7), here is the occult message:

"The year, 1776, is the Beginning year in which man is placed

above God through exceeding sinfulness of sin.

This is the testimony of the Masters of the Illuminati."

When you add the numbers above together, leaving out the zeros, you have 48 (6 x 8).

"Man (represented by # 6) is going to create his own new

Beginning (represented by # 8)."

MDCCLXXVI is 1776 in Roman Numerals
The Babelonian numbering system is base 60
Mystery Babylon is the Biblical name for the Devil
The triangle is the mathematical representation of Diabalon
By applying the Delta to MDCCLXXVI gives us the numerical arrangement of 666

The first Great Seal designs always clearly illustrated the eagle as a Phoenix.

In fact all Phoenix's are drawn as slightly modified eagles.

In the Occult the Phoenix in it's single or double headed versions is sometimes used as a reference to Satan.

Sunday, June 6, 2010



meh aku cite sket kisah & pengalaman aku…
sebelum ni aku seorg perokok tegar / heavy smoker
2 kotak Marlboro besar sehari = 40 batang

nk dijadikan cerita… pd akhir Mei 2007,
aku melawat kwn aku yg kena kanser tekak di hospital

wadnya di tingkat 4… dlm perjalanan balik,
dlm lif… aku terbaca WAD KANSER PARU-PARU - Tingkat 2
aku tekan button lif ke tingkat 2 terus aku masuk wad tu…

HALAMAK !!! takutnya aku…masing2 tunggu masa jek…
ada yg dada terbelah…
ada yg leher terbelah
paip2 pernafasan ni ada yg terus masuk peparu
ada laa dlm 100++ pesakit sempat laa aku melawat 15-16 pesakit
rata2… nak tunggu masa jek utk ‘dijemput’ semuanya berunca dr MEROKOK !!!

berhampiran dgn bilik doktor tu…
adalah contoh peparu sebenar yg diambil dari mangsa kanser peparu yg dah meninggal dunia

ada yang tulis

- 10 Tahun = 10 btg sehari
- 10 Tahun = 20 btg sehari
- 10 Tahun = 30-50 btg sehari
- 20 Tahun, 30 Tahun, 40 Tahun, 50 Tahun

kat situ aku tgk keadaan peparu dan mengambil kira aku hisap10 tahun = 20 batang (average)

HALAMAK !!!hitam dah peparu aku…
kebetulan, ada seorg doktor lelaki kat sini
aku tanya… camne nk berenti rokok…
dia kata kena berenti terus…
bulatkan tekat, tetapkan tarikh dan berenti kalau step by step ni hanya berapa % jer yg berjaya

aku turun dr hospital
masuk kereta… amik rokok dlm dashboard
terus campak dlm longkang
sampai laa ke hari ni aku x merokok

genap 2 tahun

seminggu pertama cam org ketagih heroin
aku tahan jer… lebih2 lagi lepas makan…
menggeletar jari2…
yer laa… sebelumnya 40 btg sehari…terus berenti…
lepas seminggu, demam teruk selama seminggu
sampai air2 hidung kluar sendiri x terkontrol…
btol2 mcm ketagih heroin…

kat situ baru kita tau dan sedar
dlm diri kita ni ada 1 kekuatanbley kata iman kot

Alhamdulillah, samai hari ni…
dah 2 tahun aku berenti merokok
teringin pun tidak… apatah lagi bau asap rokok
benci sgt… busuk nk mampos…
patut laa dulu masa isap rokok, duduk sebelah mak aku kata
bau busuk…
bila aku dah berenti…
kalau duduk sebelah perokok
mak aih.. busuk giler…

skrg aku rasa lebh sehat,
jari x kotor,
kalau dulu kuning2 kuku…
duit jimat…

dan x jadi org yg pengotor
- buang habuk & puntung merata2…

pastu x jd org yg x reti respek org…
isap ikut dan jek…
main hembus jer asap(perokok2 jgn laa terasa)

aku ada gak bagi tips kat kwn aku…

2 org berjaya…


1. anggap rokok ni HARAM…
(ada ulama’ kata merokok hukumnya HARAM)
2. lepas makan jgn isap rokok…
apapun, kekuatan hati penting !!!

selamat mencuba dan teruskan beramal !!! panjangnya aku taip pepagi buta ni… hehehehhe

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